We have the same profile name "KnR4Play" across all LS platforms.
We are currently lifetime members of the eight LS sites below.
Swinging Heaven Canada our preferred Canadian contact site
Swing Towns 2nd preferred Canadian, International contact site
"SDC" Seak Discover Create 3rd preferred Canadian, International contact site
Kasidie 4th preferred Canadian, US contact site
"SLS" Swing Lifestyle 5th preferred Canadian, US contact site
"LSL" Lifestyle Lounge 6th preferred Canadian, US contact site
Cafe Desire 7th preferred Eastern Canadian contact site
Swinging Heaven UK European contact site
We are active members of various LS clubs, LS club sites, LS sites and LS holiday sites.
Although we are typically only paid members seasonally on them,
when we are planning attending an event related to the specific site,
nor is our information kept as up to date or as detailed as on the lifetime sites above,
which is why we prefer contact and communicating through our lifetime sites or
our specific LS email, in order to keep ongoning communications flowing uninterupted.