Welcome to KnR4Play's Website
An active Canadian lifestyle couple since 1987.

Or possibly both? Definately both!

Life is short, live the life you want to live.

We are a no pressure full swap lifestyle couple,
primarily pursuing relationships & friendships with other like minded couples.

You are likely here because you came looking for us, or were at least curious?
If you see us out and about, introduce yourselves, we are open and receptive,
we normally will not even bite, well not unless you ask us real nice, lol.

If you realy want to know more about us?
We are accessible via our active memberships on the LS sites listed here.
Our current planned LS activities and our recent past activities if you are interested?

We are also relatively easy to find with an internet search of our profile name.
, KnR4Play, All rights reserved, Last modified: